Sunday, December 7, 2008


Jeffrey Glenn Richards former Utah resident was recently put in as the new head coach of Utah State Universities women's gymnastics team in Logan, Utah after Ray corn retired from 31 seasons with the Aggie's.
Richards graduated from Logan high school in 1988, where he continued his education at USU assisting former coach Ray Corn from 88-90. Richards Moved from the University of Iowa where he had recently received co-coach assistant of the year with fellow assistants from Iowa.
"Its great to be home, and be close to family and friends i haven't seen for years." said Richards.
Richards began his coaching career at USU as an assistant to Ray Corn from 88-90, he then moved to SUU where finished his schooling in physical education, and continued his coaching career along side Scott Bauman who also is a former assistant to Ray Corn at USU.
Richards continued coaching when he became head coach of the Stout Blue devils in Wisconsin, from 1998-2004, he then moved to Winona from 04-05, before going to Iowa.
"We are so proud of Jeff and his accomplishment, Jeff has always been a big brother and hero to his little brothers." said Richards family. " we are excited to see what new things Jeff will bring to USU's program he has always had great ideas and will be able to lead the Aggie's to many Victories."
Richards is an accomplished coach receiving many awards 00-01 both years receiving the (NCGA) National Collegiate Gymnastics coach of the year award. While at Stout Richards also increased the overall score of the season every year.
While at Winona Richards helped in assisting two gymnasts who qualified for the NCGA National Championships.
At SUU Richards increased the overall score from 170 to 188, and also increased recruiting calibers for the school.

Richards started at USU in August of 2008, the season will start December 6th at 2pm following an anual Blue White Exhibition in the Hyper Gym.

327 words.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

new president

with the new president elect i wonder how things are going to work out for our country. i cannot believe that for over 8yrs gas prices were so outrageous. i support our president, but i don't always like what he chooses to do. I hope that with the new president that the market will climb and we will continue to succeed as a country to grow together, and once again become the world leaders in industry trade. with that in mind it will secure millions of jobs for not only Americans but also for people over seas we are the leaders when we fail the world fails. that is how i look at it.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Television writers have loosen the ideas on what might be considered family friendly. It seems that even teenagers, and children are being affected by certain t.v. series such as sex in the city, and movies like Juno. a person has to ask themselves where did it become OK to have t.v. shows showing people having sex, instead of ob staining from this! why is it even necessary? when did it become OK for people to show drug use on TV as well? a person watching such things must wonder what their kids are getting out of those same shows. when did it become alright for television to teach our kids about sex and drugs? personal views shouldn't be left out of such important things as this. i believe that this is becoming a huge crises in the world. when is it going to stop? where will it stop? enough said i think that the point has been made here.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Ted Stevens a long time Republican senator for Alaska will now reap the fruitful rewards as he stands trial on felony charges for failing to disclose over $250,000 worth of gifts and services given by a Mr.Allen.
Mr. Allen a rough man that worked on the off shore oil rigs until he made his million as a freewheeling contractor for oil companies off the north slope.
The two names will collide in the court room. At one time the two men were friends of sorts thrown into each other for oil money, and politics.
The indictment says that Mr.Allen was asked to help renovated the girdwood house. Mr.Allen's company jacked up the house added a second floor, garage, new appliances, and a bathroom. non of these things were noted. in fact Mr.Allen is claiming that he was Mr.Stevens all around handyman.
Ted Stevens will be charged with seven counts of failing to list on his senate disclosure forms goods and services provided by Mr. Allen

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Check out the gas prices

Intresting that the market is dropping so fast. I saw gas so high this summer my paycheck was already gone once it was in my hands. i drive a newer truck but get a little over 20mpg. Even with the 20mpg i couldn't even keep it on the road. now that prices are dropping I'm driving more which doesn't make any sense i could save a whole lot of money by just keeping the simple decisions i made early by driving sensibly, and not as much.
The market is now at the lowest it could be. sending all our stocks, bonds and whatever other investments into a whirlwind of loss. so my conclusion is when a person had to stop driving, or had to use other means of transportation. continue using them this could be a very reliable source for extra money and when you need it most it will be there. because a person prepared early for the even harder times ahead

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I recently realized that i am getting to the age where i am closing in on the national average for people getting married. I am 27 coming up on 28 in about 6 months. interestingly enough i have had many opportunities to find a girl and settle down. I didn't think about it till now that i actually had number of opportunities. I realized as well that i am not that old. i still am young and it kills me that people take marriage so lightly. people getting married at 21-23 in Utah girls as young as 18 i mean it isn't bad if your mature enough to take the responsibility for bearing children and starting a family. Having responsibility for not only yourself, financially and other reasons as well.
currently the possibility of having a failed marriage is one in every two people that is the national average, however the possibility in Utah is even higher. it is closer to 52% of marriages will fail within a certain undetermined amount of time. This is unfortunate. My advice wait and get to know one another better, your future spouse may not be what you want.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

gas prices

I cant believe this year alone Ive spent over 1/4Th of my income on gas... i need a new car or something. it kill me to see that in Venezuela that they pay only .73 a gallon. in Iraq it is only .43 here we are paying nearly 4 dollars a gallon.
hopefully some of the vehicles that are hybrids will decrease in price. gas prices will not matter if vehicle prices are not going down. the problem is that it could take some people over 10 years for them to recover the cost of a new hybrid vehicle to replace the cost of the gas from their old car or truck. justifying that is hard to do considering that everything costs much more than the average person makes a year.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

the money issue

Money is always the biggest issue we currently have in the United States. People always seem to know how to live above their means. While working as a sales rep for a door to door company i experienced this first hand. I would sell in some of the biggest homes Ive ever seen, 4000 to 5000 square foot houses. the funny thing was these people couldn't afford what i was offering most of the time they admitted they needed the product but didn't have the funds to pay for the services i offered (pest control).
I imagine due to the jobs recently lost and lost money from all over the country a lot of these people will be sore for a few years and may have even lost their houses. unfortunately my job will be effected just as well because of the economy. we gotta remember though in order for the economy to grow a person has to invest in it.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

what else is new?

well here is my second post.... I just realized that our crises for the American people is pretty bad. i have just read about the government taking control of the biggest financial firms in America! i don't know if that is a good thing or a great thing either way it has to help. It becomes more apparent to me that the less financial control we have as a society the less freedom we have.
Ive wanted to buy a house. the great thing is i still can with nearly 10 or more percent down and i need a 750 credit score and over 2yrs proof of work. so now i have to wait to buy a house! anyways it seems more and more apparent how little control of my life i have and finance too. i almost feel safer keeping my money in my back pocket than giving it to a bank to keep safe we all know where that has gotten people..

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I wouldnt say im very savy about the whole war thing.. But recently i have determined to play my part and speak my mind. I am often reminded that we were attacked first. which i feel gives our country the right to safe gaurd our religion, freedom of speech, families, and all other freedoms we enjoy.I dont know if we even got all the bad guys yet? However as i constantly read and reread the articals placed in magazines, newspapers, and best selling books about families recovering from the 9-11 attacks there has to be a reason we are doing what we are doing over there.
maybe nobody knows where over there is; besides the president and the people fighting for our freedoms. I cant even imagine loosing someone in this war or giving my own life. But i am free and i can go to work this week in my car and get payed what im worth, paying 4 dollars a gallon in gas but im happy and free.