Wednesday, September 24, 2008

the money issue

Money is always the biggest issue we currently have in the United States. People always seem to know how to live above their means. While working as a sales rep for a door to door company i experienced this first hand. I would sell in some of the biggest homes Ive ever seen, 4000 to 5000 square foot houses. the funny thing was these people couldn't afford what i was offering most of the time they admitted they needed the product but didn't have the funds to pay for the services i offered (pest control).
I imagine due to the jobs recently lost and lost money from all over the country a lot of these people will be sore for a few years and may have even lost their houses. unfortunately my job will be effected just as well because of the economy. we gotta remember though in order for the economy to grow a person has to invest in it.

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