Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I wouldnt say im very savy about the whole war thing.. But recently i have determined to play my part and speak my mind. I am often reminded that we were attacked first. which i feel gives our country the right to safe gaurd our religion, freedom of speech, families, and all other freedoms we enjoy.I dont know if we even got all the bad guys yet? However as i constantly read and reread the articals placed in magazines, newspapers, and best selling books about families recovering from the 9-11 attacks there has to be a reason we are doing what we are doing over there.
maybe nobody knows where over there is; besides the president and the people fighting for our freedoms. I cant even imagine loosing someone in this war or giving my own life. But i am free and i can go to work this week in my car and get payed what im worth, paying 4 dollars a gallon in gas but im happy and free.

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