Monday, October 27, 2008

Ted Stevens a long time Republican senator for Alaska will now reap the fruitful rewards as he stands trial on felony charges for failing to disclose over $250,000 worth of gifts and services given by a Mr.Allen.
Mr. Allen a rough man that worked on the off shore oil rigs until he made his million as a freewheeling contractor for oil companies off the north slope.
The two names will collide in the court room. At one time the two men were friends of sorts thrown into each other for oil money, and politics.
The indictment says that Mr.Allen was asked to help renovated the girdwood house. Mr.Allen's company jacked up the house added a second floor, garage, new appliances, and a bathroom. non of these things were noted. in fact Mr.Allen is claiming that he was Mr.Stevens all around handyman.
Ted Stevens will be charged with seven counts of failing to list on his senate disclosure forms goods and services provided by Mr. Allen

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Check out the gas prices

Intresting that the market is dropping so fast. I saw gas so high this summer my paycheck was already gone once it was in my hands. i drive a newer truck but get a little over 20mpg. Even with the 20mpg i couldn't even keep it on the road. now that prices are dropping I'm driving more which doesn't make any sense i could save a whole lot of money by just keeping the simple decisions i made early by driving sensibly, and not as much.
The market is now at the lowest it could be. sending all our stocks, bonds and whatever other investments into a whirlwind of loss. so my conclusion is when a person had to stop driving, or had to use other means of transportation. continue using them this could be a very reliable source for extra money and when you need it most it will be there. because a person prepared early for the even harder times ahead

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I recently realized that i am getting to the age where i am closing in on the national average for people getting married. I am 27 coming up on 28 in about 6 months. interestingly enough i have had many opportunities to find a girl and settle down. I didn't think about it till now that i actually had number of opportunities. I realized as well that i am not that old. i still am young and it kills me that people take marriage so lightly. people getting married at 21-23 in Utah girls as young as 18 i mean it isn't bad if your mature enough to take the responsibility for bearing children and starting a family. Having responsibility for not only yourself, financially and other reasons as well.
currently the possibility of having a failed marriage is one in every two people that is the national average, however the possibility in Utah is even higher. it is closer to 52% of marriages will fail within a certain undetermined amount of time. This is unfortunate. My advice wait and get to know one another better, your future spouse may not be what you want.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

gas prices

I cant believe this year alone Ive spent over 1/4Th of my income on gas... i need a new car or something. it kill me to see that in Venezuela that they pay only .73 a gallon. in Iraq it is only .43 here we are paying nearly 4 dollars a gallon.
hopefully some of the vehicles that are hybrids will decrease in price. gas prices will not matter if vehicle prices are not going down. the problem is that it could take some people over 10 years for them to recover the cost of a new hybrid vehicle to replace the cost of the gas from their old car or truck. justifying that is hard to do considering that everything costs much more than the average person makes a year.