Sunday, April 19, 2009


Two young Utah residents Rob Spurrier, and his brother Richard Spurrier both of Sandy Utah have been battling a disease their whole lives. The disease is Retinitis Pigmatosa this disease is caused when a gene in the body attacks the retina causing full deterioration of the retina. "The doctors found the disease when i was only two years old, the disease is pretty rare currently only 20 million people have the disease" says Rob.
Rob who is currently 25 resides in cedar city a senior at Southern Utah University. "I am studying psychology, it is interesting to me, it takes me about twice as long as the person with normal eye sight to be able to read and write, but school has defiantly been worth it"says Rob. The disease will slowly take Rob and Richards eye sight some people claim this is one of the cruelest of eye diseases known. Rob who is super active still, "I enjoy the outdoors; I can do pretty much what others do, skydiving, scuba diving, auto restoration, motorcycle riding (driving), four wheelers, and pretty much anything fast".
Despite the frustrations walking around at night Rob jokes about not being able to see while out at night I trip over everything when i there is no lighting. Rob relies on friends to help him get around by driving and guiding him at night. " I served a two year Mormon mission, I have started several businesses and partnered with people on others; I also sold door to door last summer making it into the top first year representatives for my office"says Spurrier.
Retinitis Pigmatosa will eventually take both Spurriers eye sights completly. Although there isnt much news about Retintis Pigmatosa right now more is comming to light. there are several tests being conducted, using stem cells " Sight is being restored where once it wasnt even possible, a person could look up on youtube and watch several videos about the disease, it helps because people sometimes dont completly understand and it makes explaining it easier"says Spurrier.

Written by Jonathan Richards
April 19th 2009

word count: 310


well its been a few days but im trying to catch up on a few of these blogs. I wasnt really on top of this class this year. I was hoping to pull a better grade than what I am getting. But its my fault. I had plenty of time to get things done. I really was hoping to get motivated but then life throws people curve balls. I was hoping to hit the ball out of the park. But I would hit to low or high. I dont know what to do sometimes with striking out. oh well that is life.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Wow its winding down to the last few weeks of the school year. I grew alot this semester in all aspects of my life. I finally realized something important about relationships people are in. I was in one for almost 5 years until this last november. She broke up with me, said she didnt want to be with me. That was a struggle, but someone always is there to comfort or help when its needed. I mean look at a friend who talked to you during heart ache, or maybe a parent. It all depends how you look at it. I am unsure if we will ever get back together. I still think of her often even though its been months, I hope she thinks of me too. There were alot of mistakes, they say that absence makes the heart grow fonder, or that if you trully love something let it go if it wants to be let go. It will come back to you. I hoped for that but honestly I dont think that is how it works all of the time. unfortunatly for me i made the mistake of just letting go. Now she is dating someone else. I think or believe that if your feeling something or someway talk to that person about it. dont let time slip by, you only have today because tomorrow will make today yesterday, and a person cant take time back..

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The last straw

Sometimes the littlest things can set people off. I realized that what a person says and does can greatly affect the outcome of a relationship. One person told me that people can make a judgement in the first 7 second you meet them. It simply depends on the type of person your going to be. When you walk into a meeting or a room, are you going to be noticed for your charisma? or are you going to just be another type of guy that simply came into the meeting or whatever was going on.
So simply being a person isn't enough. if a person thinks that good enough is good enough than mediocre will always be fine for them. But for the few percentage of people that want to rise above the rest be charismatic don't allow what others think or say affect the true you.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

News break

Arrests were made today because of a tip off police received. four salt lake city residents were taken into custody because of alleged drug paraphernalia, and cocaine was found in the apartment in the basement of a house located at 1532 south 1300 east.
This is still being investigated but because there was enough evidence in the house at least 1 person will be charged with possession of a controlled substance, and apparently there was more than enough to distribute. Police say that at least three people could be convicted in connection with the case.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


1. Any world news- Daniel Jensen
2. recreation fun for students that is happening in utah county- Rob spurrier
3.New types of clothing that will be coming to Utah County- Sarah Johnston
4.Car reviews in detail that will help people buy better cars esp students- James Arnold
5. Any happy news- Shantelle Williams

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Europeans debate castration

A recent debate in Europe has several people contemplating the types of rehabilitation for sex offenders. A European man, Pavel who asked not to have his full name disclosed, spent time in prison for killing a young boy after sexual abusing him; underwent surgery to get castrated for rehabilitation purposes.
"I can finally live knowing i am no harm to anybody" said Pavel.
Whether or not castration could in fact help sex offenders is under certain amount of scrutiny from the Anti-torture committee in Europe, the committee says that castration is "invasive, irreversible and mutilating." The Czech Republic is the only current country in Europe to allow for surgical, and chemical castration, there have been 94 prisoners so far that have undergone the surgery in the past decade.
Recently though in the United States Bobby Jindal, the Louisiana state Governor signed a legislative bill that would have some repeated sex offenders chemically castrated depending on the type of crime.
"I feel castration is a crime in itself, I would be angry even to the point of terrorist acts if i had no say in the matter, of what would happen to my body if i was ever in that situation." said Daniel Jensen a Utah Valley University student.
James Arnold another Utah Valley University student said "castration is the way to do it, maybe even a sex change take something away they can never get back."
Depending on the circumstance hopefully the Governments will come to some certain standing on castration and rehabilitation.

Jonathan Richards